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Energy Committee 2008, 09-08
September 8, 2008
Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Chinloo Lama

Energy Committee                        Present:                Chinloo Lama
Martha Broad
Paula Berg
Laura Kischitz
Beth McGilvray
Herb Cabral

Non-voting members: John Balco

The Energy Committee met at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
-~~~~~~~~~~Guidelines for Town of~Bolton~on Energy Conservation & Training
-~~~~~~~~~~Discuss and Decide how to spend MTC Grant $$
-~~~~~~~~~~Update on Lecture Series & Workshops
-~~~~~~~~~~Bolton~Fair Energy Network Exhibit
-~~~~~~~~~~Public Safety and Library Expansion project & alternative energy plans
-~~~~~~~~~~Bolton Seniors Energy Program on October 21st~~(Request by Terry, see attached)
-~~~~~~~~~~What else?
Bolton Fair Exhibit
Bill D. has gotten the same location and same price ($250 + tables and chairs, supplies). $500 budgeted. Bill has mentioned that vendors with similar theme will be located in the same area as our tent.

In our tent, we will have the veggie car, geothermal demo, Jackson Madmick (from Wayland), MassEnergy trifold, green building model, Air-dry rack.
Margaret Campbell will help with recycling and solar oven. She has a group of volunteers lined up to help with recycling. We will have Low carbon diet books at the fair for sale. Solar Pathfinder will be available to be shown and Paula will be able to explain.

MTC Grant
Our committee is interested in purchasing a solar panel array for the school to promote the education of green science in our school system. Perhaps it can be installed on the new roof on Florence Sawyer.

A motion was placed to spend the MTC money to install solar array for one of the town’s school buildings. The committee voted and agreed to implement this if the school system excepts.

Green Office Guidelines
One was proposed a couple of months ago by Chinloo to be reviewed. Chinloo will send doc to the staff of the town to review before sending on to the Selectmen. Motion made and seconded and voted unanimously.

Lecture Series – Green Open House Event
Announcement of the open house is almost all set with minor updates.

Wind Bylaws
Need to follow-up with Jennifer Atwood Burney to see of there has been updates on the green guidelines for building codes.

Senior Center
October date is set so we are definitely set for a “Prepare for Winter” presentation.

MCAN Membership
The committee would like to consider a membership with MCAN. The membership will give us benefits such as access to their network and the recognition along with other towns. There are grant opportunities available through them. We can benefit from their knowledge of grant availability. Harvard local list serve is different at a smaller community. MCAN is more statewide.

Residential Efforts
We should look into group collaborative for oil purchases. We can provide an education lecture that educates people and help start a collaborative.  Newton collaborative sounds like it’s a good example. Mass Energy also has an oil program.

Carpooling in Town
There is a resident who has experience and knowledge to possibly do a lecture about carpooling in town.

October Meeting
Change to October 20th Need to update on the web.

Library Update
Joel updated that the library is over budget and is looking like not too much renewable energy solutions will be implemented. So no more LEED certification.

FAQ Online or Offline
A suggestion posed to keep a database offline of contact that we can pass on to others in town. Put together a collection of documented experiences for a Resources page.

Looking like it will be in December instead of November for our heating audit. Since there is more money available, we can go ahead and do the lighting improvements now. Margaret and Paula will look into the audit report and figure out what should be done.

LCD kickoff by committee members
We should have a sign up sheet available at the fair for people to sign up if they are interested.

Action Items
Chinloo – confirm with Charles and iron out details. Check online to check that the meeting time is updated to 7pm. Send doc to Linda and Jennifer to give feedback on the guidelines before sending it along to the selectmen. Contact Bolton Celebrates to come speak for 10 minutes in October’s meeting.
Martha – Bring gloves to fair for the s’mores. Write letter of request about solar panels for Herb to send to Kurt. Ask MCAN about the steering committee commitment as part of membership.
Paula – to pick up paper goods, cups, napkins, Nachos stuff for fair. Contact carpooling lead and pass along to John for the lecture series.
Laura – Send Jackson Madmick info, Contact Kevin Lord about wind turbine (GE) info for booth. Q&A for solar oven purchase. Followup on the rights of a chair. Find out why there are 8 in the voting group.
Beth – will get the supplies for s’mores. Look into oil collaborative for a potential lecture topic.
Herb – Send letter from Martha to Kurt Plante